Change of Mind Returns - 60 Day Limit
If you change your mind and no longer wish to own any product that has been bought from Timbecon, the goods may be returned within 60 days from the date of purchase. You are responsible for the cost of return freight. If you cannot arrange freight please contact us and we can arrange this and deduct the cost from the refund once the item has been received by Timbecon.
Please ensure you clearly mark your name and contact details. The item must not be used and it must be wrapped/packaged so the return label is attached to the wrapping - not the product or its packaging.
This needs to be done so that once the packaging is removed, the item(s) is in its original condition and can be put on the shelf again to get a full refund of the value of the goods. Please ensure that it is packed so it is not damaged in transit.
Items returned which have been used and/or are not in the original packaging and cannot be re-sold as new will not be accepted. Once we have received the product from you, we will issue you with a credit on your account or a full refund. The choice is yours.
Situations when a customer may return an item.
Faulty goods
Goods may be returned by the customer if they believe the goods are faulty, in this case, the return of goods is managed by the Warranty Process. If the fault is not major, we will repair or replace the item within 4 weeks, or within a timeframe agreed to by the customer. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced in a reasonable time, customers may choose a refund or replacement.
Goods may be returned by the customer if they believe the goods are unsafe, in this case, the return of goods is managed by the Warranty Process.
Potential fault
Goods may be returned by the customer if the goods have an undiagnosed manufacturing fault that would have stopped someone from buying the goods if they had known about it provided:
- The goods are unused
- The goods are in their original packaging
- Are returned within 60 days of purchasing
Timbecon will pay the return freight and refund the full cost.
Incorrect or misleading description
Goods may be returned by the customer if the goods they receive are significantly different from the sample, photo and description provided on our website. There are material changes that can occur to products from when catalogues are printed and so the website information will be used as the basis of comparison. You can have confidence that the website will offer the most accurate, up-to-date information.
- The goods are unused
- The goods are in their original packaging
- Are returned within 60 days of purchasing
Timbecon will pay the return freight and refund the full cost.
Misleading website description
What is and is not included in any product purchase will be detailed in the product description on the website. If the customer is dissatisfied with the goods they receive - claiming that the goods are misrepresented on the website according to the description the customer may return the goods provided:
- The goods are unused
- The goods are in their original packaging
- Are returned within 60 days of purchasing
Timbecon will pay the return freight and refund the full cost.
While we take all care to make it obvious what is and is not included in the photos we use, these are for illustrative purposes showing the possible use of attachments to convey the utility of products and this cannot be used as a basis for misleading website description.
When the customer has bought the wrong product
We will accept return of incorrectly bought goods provided:
- The goods are unused
- The goods are in their original packaging
- Are returned within 60 days of purchasing
The customer must pay for the cost of returning the goods and Timbecon will refund the cost of the goods excluding the original cost of freight and insurance.
The customer has previously bought goods that are now on sale at a cheaper price
If the customer wants the goods at the cheaper price, and the original purchase was within 48 hours of the sale price being advertised, Timbecon will issue a credit of the difference in value to the customer.
If the customer wants the goods at the cheaper price, and the original purchase was within 7 days of the sale price being advertised, the customer may return the goods for a full refund and re-purchase the goods at the sale price provided:
- Return and repurchase must occur within the specified sale period
- The original purchase was within 7 days of the sale price being advertised
- The customer pays the return freight and re-delivery freight
- The goods are in their original packaging
- The goods are unused
Timbecon are free to offer sales at any time and are not obligated to inform customers in advance.
Customer has paid for goods that are not in stock
If a customer pays for goods that are not in stock, the customer may receive a refund for the goods on request.
Situations when a customer may not return an item.
60 day limit
Change of mind returns will only be accepted up to 60 days after the initial receipt of goods.
Change of Mind
You may change your mind and return goods up to 60 days after receipt.
- The goods are unused
- The goods are in their original packaging
The customer must pay for the cost of returning the goods and Timbecon will refund the cost of the goods excluding the original cost of freight and insurance.
Custom Made Goods
Customers may not return goods that have been modified to meet their needs, for example - sandpaper cut to length. Modified goods may not be returned under any circumstances.
Finishes and GluesCustomers may not return under any circumstances finish or glue products that have been opened or used in any way.
PPE and Personal ProductsDue to the possible health implications, customers may not return under any circumstances any PPE or Personal Products that have been opened or used in any way.