T-Track & Mitre Tracks

Timbecon's T-Track & Mitre Track category includes various tools designed for precision and customisation in woodworking. This section offers products like T-Track Hold Down Clamps, Mitre Tracks, and other essential accessories. These tools, from brands such as Micro Jig, Incra, and Torquata, are tailored for professionals who require accuracy and adaptability in their workshop setups. They are ideal for creating versatile workspaces and ensuring precise woodworking outcomes.


How do T-Tracks enhance workshop functionality?

T-Tracks offer unparalleled flexibility in your workspace. They allow you to quickly and securely adjust, attach, or remove fixtures, jigs, and stops. This adaptability is crucial for custom projects or when precision placement and repeatability is key.

What are the advantages of using Mitre Tracks?

Mitre Tracks ensure that your cuts are accurate and consistent. They guide your tools, particularly for angled cuts, which is essential for joinery and fine woodworking. The precision they offer elevates the quality of your finished work.

Are these systems easy to install and use?

Yes, both T-Tracks and Mitre Tracks are designed for straightforward installation. They can be integrated into most workbenches or custom table saw setups, making them a versatile addition to any workshop.

What kind of accessories complement these tracks?

We offer a range of accessories, including hold-down clamps, stop blocks and mitre guides, which expand the functionality of your T-Track and Mitre Track systems. These accessories help in customising the setup to suit specific project requirements.

Why are these tools a smart choice for professional workshops?

For professionals, time, accuracy and repeatability are paramount. These tools offer robustness and flexibility, enabling quick adjustments and precise work. They are durable and can withstand the demands of a busy professional environment.

Can I get help with setting up these track systems?

Absolutely. Our team is here to provide advice and practical tips on installing and using these track systems effectively, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.